We, a group of 4 people from Germany hired Masaki (Makoon) for a 3-days-stay in Kyoto. It was a outstanding experience to spend and share the time with him. A top-notch-guide! He has a wonderful personality, is open, flexible and understands the wishes of the group, even they deviate from the original and agreed tour plan. Makoon has a deep knowledge about the history, the temples and shrines as well as the Gijon quarter. He knows little bits and pieces that made his explanations so lively and interesting. He did care about everything we needed. We couldn’t find anybody better and have not one subject to criticise other than we have been so sad when we said Good-bye end of day 3. One member of the group at home said: “It was my best vacation ever”! We do strongly recommend him and when we come back once, we will hire him again since he became our friend!